How did Abigail Rose Virtual Agency begin?

Hello! And welcome to the inaugural blog from your host, Abigail! (Ok look, there is no way I could phrase that without sounding like a cheesy gameshow host). I felt it was time I began a blog, discussing all things Abigail Rose Virtual Agency, Social Media, Websites, Virtual Assistance, and so on.

So I guess I need to begin with where I started, that seems like the most logical step.

Well back in 2022, I was coming to the end of my maternity leave. Several years prior I was diagnosed with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, although fortunately they didn’t seem to have that much of an ill effect on me. However, upon my return to work it appeared that my body was not happy and after 6 or 7 difficult months that consisted of flare ups, time off work, countless doctors appointments and a completely overwhelming feeling of bluergh, I made the call to leave my position in employment. So in early 2023 I handed in my notice, expecting to be on bedrest for the foreseeable future.

Over the previous year, I had read a lot about the role of a virtual assistant and being self employed. I stumbled across blog posts from people who had to leave employment due to their personal circumstances. Everyone spouted how it was the best thing they’d ever done. It sounded too good to be true, right? Well, while I was signed off on bedrest, I decided to spend time setting up a virtual assistance business in the hopes that, one day, I could run my own business, even if it was from my bed. Turns out I didn’t need to wait very long…

I spent time chatting to other VAs and soon I was offered some small associate contracts, roughly 15 hours a month. It was enough that I could manage my health, and make a bit of money to help out with the bills. It suited me, I would work when I felt well, whether that was 11am or 11pm - and something amazing happened. Everyone understood! I was upfront, explained my situation and everybody (lead VAs and clients) was happy with how I worked. Over time, I began to grow in confidence and find more of my own clients. I was building my business slowly at a pace that worked for me.

My health soon began to improve with every week that passed. I continued to build on my ambitions of becoming a successful VA. By June, I was working 15 hours a week and loving it. In October, things had grown again and I needed to take on three associates of my own. It was at that point I decided to become an agency, focusing on Virtual Assistance and Digital Marketing. Imposter syndrome held me back somewhat, however all was not lost. In January 2024 I had a mentoring call, and made the change from Abigail Rose VA to Abigail Rose Virtual Agency. I am now working 25 hours a week comfortably, my health is better than it has been in a long time, and the business is growing every day!

Taking the leap into the freelance world was scary, but I am so pleased I did it. If you’re considering it but aren’t sure where to start, feel free to reach out, I’d be more than happy to point you in the direction of some of the best resources and mentors out there!


The VA community and how its helped me